The Royal Weekly

March 13, 2023

Thank You for a Wonderful Royal Evening!

Saturday’s Royal Evening was a beautiful night celebrating the Lord’s faithfulness to CVCA for over 50 years! The success of the Royal Evening would not have been possible without numerous parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends who volunteered, sponsored, donated, served, and prayed! With over 100 student volunteers, 100 adult volunteers, and nearly 600 guests in the Royals Fieldhouse, it was an amazing all-CVCA community event. Stay tuned for the total amount of funds raised for student tuition assistance!

TESTING AT CVCA – tuesday, March 14

Students in grades 6, 7, 8, and 12 will not report to school tomorrow,  Tuesday, March 14.

All students in grades 9, 10, and 11 will have a half-day of school for testing. Students should arrive by 7:50 a.m. and report to their testing rooms. Grades 9 and 10 will take the Pre-ACT. Students in grade 11 will take the official ACT test. All testing will be done at 11:50 a.m. and students should be picked up at that time.

As you would expect, CVCA students are encouraged to do their best and to use good test-taking strategies, especially because many colleges attach significant scholarship dollars to strong ACT scores. Also, a student’s odds of acceptance at selective universities rise with good ACT performance. So to get the most out of this test, here are a couple of tips:

  • SLEEP! The brain thinks best after a full night’s sleep. Aim for at least eight hours the night before.
  • EAT RIGHT! If a healthy breakfast (lots of protein) is possible on test morning, students will benefit from the boost to mental energy and concentration. (On the flip side, sugary energy drinks or candy will tend to crash energy levels and concentration during the test.) 
  • PRACTICE CALM BREATHING! Remember, calm minds tend to think more clearly (and powerfully) than stressed-out brains. If a student tends to “freeze up” during high-stakes tests, perhaps getting fixated on answers he or she doesn’t know or feeling panic about what might happen if the test goes poorly, it’s possible to reset the brain to a calmer setting. The student can use slow and measured breathing, long inhales and exhales for 30 seconds or so. This can clear and refocus the anxious test-taker’s mind.
  • BE FULLY PREPARED to take the test. Students should bring sharpened #2 pencils (non-mechanical) and their graphing calculators for the test.

Tuition Assistance Application Deadline – wednesday, March 15

We understand that families investing in a CVCA education may need and qualify for financial assistance. We were blessed to see over 3 million dollars of tuition assistance given to eligible CVCA families last year and are prayerfully able to exceed that total for the next school year.

The deadline to apply for Tuition Assistance is March 15, 2023. Please utilize the FACTS application HERE.

Student-Led Worship – Wednesday, March 15

A time of student-led worship will be held on Wednesday, March 15 in the Choir Room (Room 141) at 8:00 a.m. It will be a great time of students leading other students in a time of worship before starting the school day.


Are you interested in working at CVCA? Check out the Employment Opportunities page on the CVCA website for faculty, staff, and coaching openings throughout the year. This is a great place to work!


Tickets for The Royal Theatre’s Spring Musical, The Little Mermaid, are now for sale at

  • April 21, 22, 28 – 7:00 p.m.
  • April 26 – General Admission – 6:30 p.m.
  • April 29 – 2:00 p.m.

Wednesday, April 26 is Junior Royals Night with general admission. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online or with check or cash at the door. Junior Royals receive one free admission ticket. Family members pay standard admission. Register your Junior Royal for the event HERE.

CVCA Summer Camps

CVCA offers summer camps and music lessons for children ages 7-16. Led by CVCA coaches and athletes and Royal Theatre directors and student-actors, campers enjoy learning new skills and making new friends in a Christ-centered environment. REGISTER HERE.


On March 14, CVCA students have a half-day for ACT and Pre-ACT testing. After leaving CVCA they have the opportunity to attend two local college fairs:

The NAACAP Spring College Fair will be held at Lutheran High School West, 3850 Linden Rd. in Rocky River from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.  REGISTER HERE.

The CLEast College and Career Fair will be held at West Geauga High School from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Students can register at the door or REGISTER HERE. Students will benefit from three activities:

    • Participate in a college and career panel from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. to learn about different options for their future.
    • Unlock their career codes to match with career professionals who will be there from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. representing multiple areas of interest.
    • Meet with 100 college admission representatives between 6:30 and 8:00 p.m. to explore a variety of college options.

Important Deadlines for 2023-2024 CL Students

Students who will be taking CL courses in the fall must apply to Malone University to receive college credit. Students who have previously applied and been accepted to the Malone program do NOT need to re-apply to Malone. (However, they DO need to apply for state funding each year.)

Once accepted to Malone, students have the option to apply to the State of Ohio for funding for the college credits (except for the Apologetics class). Those who do not apply will be responsible to pay for the college credits at a discounted rate.

  • The deadline to apply to Malone in time to also apply for State Funding is March 17, 2023. APPLY HERE
  • If students miss the State Funding deadline or choose not to apply for State Funding, the Malone application deadline is June 9.
  • The deadline to apply for State Funding is April 1, 2023. APPLY HERE. (You cannot apply for State Funding until after you have been accepted by Malone.)

New High School Girls Group – March 22

SISTERHOOD is a new group for high school girls who are different in many ways, but who value authentic relationships with other girls. Join us as we create a space to share our lives, ask questions, encourage each other in our relationship with Christ, and be an encouragement to each other.

Our first meeting will be Wednesday, March 22 at 8:45 a.m. in Room 104. Questions? Contact Neala Harris (, Abby Hayes (, or Chrisi Thompson (

New High School Girls Group – March 22

We are excited to announce a school-wide service project culminating on March 23. Each group below is asked to bring items for “Hope Tote” bags to school on Thursday, March 23. We will then assemble the bags for the Haven of Rest Ministry to distribute at their Easter meals.

Parents, please encourage your students to participate generously and use some of their own money, if possible. This is a simple  yet effective way for students to gain hands-on experience in sharing the hope and love we find in Jesus. Parents are also welcome to join the fun by donating items!

  • 6th Grade:  Toothbrush and Toothpaste – at least one of each
  • 7th Grade:   Deodorant – plain scent
  • 8th Grade:   Body Lotion – Plain scent
  • Douglas House:   Shaving cream & Razor – at least 1 of each
  • Tozer House:   Shampoo & Comb – plain scent, at least 1 of each
  • Lewis House:   Conditioner & Hair Brush – plain scent, at least one of each
  • Elliot House:   Bar Soap & Lip Balm – plain scent, at least one if each

Breakfast Together – A Time for Students and Parents to Connect

Our CVCA Administration and Student Ministry Team is thrilled to invite our students and their parents to share a special time of connection and breakfast together. You don’t want to miss out! The events will be held in the Rasnick Center at 7:45 a.m. and cost $5 per person.

  • Wednesday, April 12  – All Grades Fathers and Sons – REGISTER HERE

College Rep Visits

Come and hear from R.J. Nemer, the newly appointed Dean of The University of Akron’s College of Business on Friday, March 24 in Room 109 during all of 5th period. (Students will miss their 5th period class). Hear about all the UA Business School has to offer, including their new program on Sports Business. Lunch will be provided. Registration is REQUIRED to attend and spots are limited. See email from Mrs. Fridline to register by March 16.

Stop by the Rasnick Center to learn more about these schools and how they might be a fit for you. Questions? See Mrs. Knapp or Mrs. Fridline in the Guidance Office.

  • Liberty University – March 15, 12:00-1:35 p.m.
  • Valparaiso University – March 16, 10:30 a.m.
  • Colorado Christian University – March 17, both lunch periods
  • Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary – April 18, both lunch periods

Cedarville Pharmacy Camp

Cedarville University will hold a Pharmacy Camp June 26-30, 2023 for students entering grades 10, 11, 12. Learn how to compound, screen a patient for blood pressure and blood glucose, respond in an emergency and stop bleeding. and engage in fun pre-pharmacy activities. Learn more at


The lunch menus for the weeks of March 13 and 20 are available HERE.

adjusted schedule Days

  • Late Starts: March 15, 22
  • Early Release for Grades 9, 10, 11: March 14
  • No School for Grades 6, 7, 8, 12: March 14
  • No School: March 27-31 (Spring Break)


Middle School Scheduling

Current 6th and 7th grade students/parents: Please complete the Google form by selecting course requests for your student for next year. Forms were sent to you via email last week, and are due tomorrow, February 21.

Questions about schedules for current 6th and 7th graders should be directed to Mrs. Beth Marosi, Middle School Academic Advisor at 330-929-0575, ext. 375  or

Mr. Randy Tomich, assists current 8th graders with scheduling for 9th grade.


Athletics Yard Signs – Last Day to ORder

The CVCA Booster Club has partnered with Signs 330 to offer athlete yard signs for CVCA families. The signs cost $25 and can be purchased HERE. The order window will close on at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, March 13. Questions? Contact Ben Miller at