Equipping Students to Impact their World

Daily Bible classes, weekly chapel services, annual missions trips, continual service opportunities, and Christian clubs help our faculty and staff connect with students to impact others through the Gospel and for the Kingdom of God.

A Ministry of Equipping

The ministry of equipping is done in the context of relationships. The Student Ministries Department helps organize people and programs at CVCA to this end. Our Student Ministries staff also provides a ministry of availability to meet with students through their time at CVCA.

Our goal is that students would come to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength; and then be moved to love others through:

Missions Opportunities
Christian Clubs and Organizations
Service Projects
Connections Groups and Houses

Worshipful Community

Every Thursday during Chapel, CVCA faculty, staff, and students come together to worship, study God’s Word, pray, and participate in musical praise. It is a reminder amidst the busyness of the school week to set our hearts and minds on the things above (Colossians 3:2) and to exalt Jesus Christ as a community.

Our goal for our Chapel services is that our community would have the same heart as the King David when he wrote, “Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together” (Psalm 34:3).

Every year, we choose a book of the Bible to study in chapel, and that becomes our banner for the year. In the Old Testament, a banner is something to rally people under. So even though CVCA students and faculty attend many different churches, live in different cities, and come from different backgrounds, ultimately, the banner we unite under is Jesus.

This year, we are studying the book of Exodus with the banner, “That You May Know” from Exodus 29:46:  “And they shall know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I might dwell among them. I am the Lord their God.”

We want our students to gain more than head knowledge about Old Testament stories. We pray that through studying Exodus, we will experience Him more closely and see that, in many ways, the Israelites’ redemption is also our story.

2024-2025 Chapel Banner

“I am thankful for CVCA because I get to build my relationship with Jesus and with others at school.”