CVCA Mission Trips

We offer several mission trip opportunities for our students. Our two main summer trips offered each year are for students going into their senior year (to the Dominican Replublic) and for sophomores going into their junior year (Kentucky). 

If you feel led to support any of the upcoming mission trips, please feel free to give using the buttons below.

Dominican Republic Trip

Kentucky Trip

MGM (Meeting God in Missions) in the Dominican Republic provides a solid foundation for learning about the Christian life with great opportunities of serving God through missions work. This trip for rising seniors is both a service trip and spiritual retreat. Students are challenged to examine their own walk with Christ and engage in meaningful service to meet some real needs of others.

This year’s trip will be June 4-11, 2025. 

The sophomore class trip focuses on serving others. It is an extended experience of service, worship, and fellowship to make an eternal impact on our CVCA students and those we serve.

The Class of 2026 recently traveled to Manchester, Kentucky to serve alongside the local church. They completed manual labor jobs (yardwork, painting, home repair) that the community needs, and hosted Vacation Bible School for the local children.

“I learned that God helps us climb all the mountains in our life, and while the climb may be difficult, it is nothing compared to what Jesus experienced on the cross.”