Sarah Telepak
Middle School Assistant Principal
B.A. Baldwin Wallace University
M.A. Liberty University
Joined CVCA Faculty/Staff in 2023

More About Sarah Telepak

One of the many amazing aspects of God is how He uses the Holy Spirit to direct, guide, speak, and lead each of us in our Christian walk if we trust and depend on Him. God’s leading is evident in my journey here, for CVCA has influenced my career in Christian education for years, even when teaching at other schools. My first job in Christian education was due to the leadership at CVCA, and I have watched God work in unexpected ways as He has prepared, developed, and challenged me in my love for Christian education. Ultimately, showing students that God desires to have the same active relationship with them is my heart’s desire and calling. Spiritual formation in conjunction with education reaches the whole student, and as that cultivating progress grows, students begin to walk out their purpose in Jesus Christ. To create a safe environment where students can go outside their comfort zones, academically or spiritually, and realize their potential is my heart as an administrator and teacher. The mission of this school is to “cultivate,” and it is my humble honor to be a part of creating and composing new avenues that educate and advance students into their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual capabilities as servants of Christ.